BC Epic 1000
The BC Epic 1000 challenge is based on one guiding principle similar to the TD : Cycle the complete route end-to-end, as fast as possible in a solo, self-supported fashion.
The Particulars:
Who: Any determined cyclist may challenge the Route at any time, in either direction, to qualify for the General Classification (GC) – GC standings will be maintained by myself for the time being – contact lmpret@gmail.com or message of the BC Epic 1000 Facebook page.
When: All summer long...however, an informal common start date known as the 'grand depart' will be take place on the last Saturday of June from the western end of the route.
Spirit: Above all, attempts are intended to be solo / self-supported, self-timed, and observed as one stage, i.e. the clock runs non-stop. The challenge is complete upon arrival to the opposite end of the route from start. There are no required checkpoints or designated rest periods on course. There is no finish time cut-off.
Modus operandi: To complete the Route, a rider may resupply food / equipment, rent a room, launder clothing, even service their bike at commercial shops along the way. The intent is to ride unsupported between towns, and function self-supported when in towns. Any services utilized must always be commercially available to all challengers and not pre-arranged. No private resupply, no private lodging.
The rules strives for equal opportunity within the GC. Whether doing an independent time trial or tackling the grand depart, the rules requires that every challenger have an equal playing field. Therefore, outside assistance with navigation, lodging or resupply (especially receipt of supplies from a non-commercial shipper) is prohibited.
Visitation: Bikepack racing is not intended to be a spectator sport! However, route-town locals only may interact with (i.e. visit briefly, cheer on) thru-racers as they pass through their locale. Out-of-town visitation to racers mid-race from challengers' family or friends is questionable – although the Tour Divide prohibits such encounters the BC Epic feels this is not necessarily a reason to relegate should such an encounter occur as long as no supplies or help of any sort whatsoever is provided to the rider.
Advancing (forward) on the route by any means other than one's own pedal power is strictly prohibited. No drafting. This is a solo challenge, however, racing in the company of other challengers is tolerated. Again, no drafting, and each rider must maintain separate gear. One complete survival kit per rider.
In the event of a serious mechanical that renders a bike unrideable, a rider may hitchhike by motor vehicle in ANY direction to repair the problem. The location of the incident must be well documented by SPOT tracking or other GPS logger. A rider may also receive assistance returning back to the exact location of the breakdown to begin forward progress. Again, the entire incident, form breakdown to return to the route must be fully documented by GPS.
GPS navigators are permitted but non-essential. SPOT GPS trackers are strongly recommended but not required. Mobile phones are also permitted, however, mobile service on the route is spotty. Reliance on a mobile phone as a rider's sole means of outside communication is not advised.
BC Epic 1000, like Tour Divide is a web-administered, do-it-yourself challenge based on the purest of wagers: the gentlemen's bet or agreement. Nothing to win or lose but honor.
There is no pre-start meeting
There are no checkpoints or officials on course
Riders alone are responsible for their safety
Riders alone must police their conduct
There is no mechanism to communicate to riders on course
Riders alone are responsible for communicating with their loved ones
Updates to via MTBCast from rider call-ins are time-delayed and not intended ensure rider safety
Online GPS tracking is also not intended to ensure rider safety. It is for info-only, and validation of course compliance
Relegation: BC Epic 1000 reserves the right to relegate a rider from the General Classification (GC) for confirmed rules violations.
No rider will be notified of possible relegation mid-race. It is the sole responsibility of all riders to know the rules, police themselves, and in cases of course deviation, recognize their error + correct it before proceeding on route. Ideally any rider who defaults on any part of rules will honorably scratch from the GC or self-relegate.
Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men —Douglas Bader
To thine own self be true —Hamlet